Chapter 2. Song format

Pymprovisator format is very similar to .ini files. A pymprovisator song starts with a header [SONG]plus several lines to describe the song parameters:

# This is an example song
id = ThisIsATestSong
tempo = 153
n_choruses = 10
title = This is a test song
key = C
n_bars = 12
active_instruments = piano bass drums
style = basic
chords = 4c7 4f7 8c7 8f7 8c7 4g7 4f7 4c7 4g7

In this example you can see all the elements that make up a song. By default, Pymprovisator songs are saved with .ymp extension, but you can use another one if you wish to.The elements of a song are as follows:

The order of the lines may be altered, but all parameters are needed. You can write comments in your song files by typing a sharp symbol (#) at the start of a line, as in the example (# This is an example song ...).